Computer ethics

Computer ethics - A field of applied ethics that addresses ethical issues in the use, design and management of information technology and in the formulation of ethical policies for its regulation in society.

1) Which commandment(s) do you think are appropriate to or could be influence your project?

- According to my point of  view (Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorisation or proper compensation) .

This can be considered as the most important as invading any person privacy or using the another person private data in not appropriate.
It can cause damage to the some persons private life or private data and can also result in social SHAME.

2)Do you have an opinion on which are the most important?

According to my opinion each and every Commandment is very important and needs to be followed in order to learn better about computing world and making it safer .

3) How can we enforce them?  Can we?

We can enforce it by making our data more and more secure , FOR EXAMPLE ; one should regularly keep updating and changing their passwords , one should not leak or be aware from letting the personal data and details to someone unknown person .
Although there are many ethical hackers who can still hack our data if we follow the remedies .
So I don't think anyone can completely secure their private Data and information from the hackers .

4) Can legislation keep up with the ever changing world of the internet?

 The government officials and the IT heads Can surely prevent this ethicals crime by having an control and the limitations on the breaking of the rules set by the governments.

And in the upcoming era there will be an lots of new advancements and improvements and the new discoveries will be also made, there are lot of sharp minds in the world which would discover new aspects and new things in the Computing World. 

So I personally don't think the legislation would be able to face the new aspects which would be coming day by day.
